How To Start Doing Everything In Your Life With Determination

Hristo Ivanov
3 min readJan 22, 2021

Have you ever been between multiple good choices and never knew which one to pick from?

Or ever thought between starting boxing class and doing some extra learning on your other passion?

It’s normal to be in these kinds of situations when you don’t know what to choose exactly.

“I want the pizza but I need to lose some pounds so I have to eat this chicken salad. I’m not sure what to do”

That’s a good daily example of how little things like what to eat can influence our decisiveness and therefore our whole mindset until the rest of your life.

But don’t worry. There is always a way out of bad situations.

Especially when you have some knowledge to help you clear your decision-making process.

So let’s start with the first concept.

1.When you have easy and tough choices — pick the tough one

Our brains are attached to emotions.

For them, the emotions are far more realistic than the thoughts. But when you combine thoughts and emotions in one the whole process is changing.

For example, you have a crush on your best girlfriend or boyfriend from high school. You think that it’s going to be good to unravel your feelings about that.

But then from all of the sudden, you stop and say to yourself:

“Well, What If she/he ignores me, stops talking to me”

In my opinion, if he/she is really your best friend, they will understand you and never make a big deal of it.

Another good advice would be to oppose the negative self-talk with the same “What If” fueled with confidence and faith:

“Well, What If he/she thinks the same way, I’m going to feel like I’m on top of the universe”

Try to reverse your thought mechanism time after time until you find your personal sweet spot.

2.Don't let anxiety make you dwell. When you have a good opportunity, grab it. Repeat until you view your mistakes as lessons.

In our modern technology world anxiety is always around the corner.

Maybe you are a programmer and let’s say Microsoft invites you for an interview.

The best thing you could do here is implementing the first principle and instead of giving up this chance, grab it by the horns.

That’s Microsoft, they don’t pick by incident someone to start working with them.

And even if you fail you could always ask the other side how you could improve yourself the next time so you can be a better performer.

Review, reanalyze, make your mistakes your best teacher and learn from them.

3.Dumb Your Fixed Mindset Right Now!

learn to challenge yourself on a daily basis. Whether it’s going to be by grabbing the stairs or eating less processed. Change your negative view if you have one.

If not, good. Push yourself slightly harder day after day.

Down here I’ll share with you how a fixed and growth mindsets are working.

I suggest you download the image, view it daily and embrace the tiny good habits. Because only they could transform you into a different person in 5 years time from now.

Start Now!

Closing Thoughts:

Life is full of decisions and there is time you don’t know what to choose from. And when you feel like emotions guide your decisions, always go with the scarier choice.

That’s going to make your brain get to know that it’s not fatal to fail.

It’s worse if you give up and be ignorant about the feedback and hidden information every setback sends on your way.

