Finished College, Now What Should I Do?

Hristo Ivanov
2 min readNov 1, 2020

So everyone gets to this unpleasant point, huh?

It’s hard to handle the changes going along with the new lifestyle.

Finding your place is a difficult task for every millennial out there.

Furthermore, when you don’t have the experience you are likely to make bad lifestyle decisions.

Let me share with you what happened in my case…

On my prom night, everyone was drunk, celebrating, having the best time of their lives. But my mind was occupied with something completely different. I asked myself:

“What the heck makes them so happy? I don’t want to study for a crap degree, then work in 9–5 prison. I can’t see my life going in this direction. I don’t want to live for the payday to come by.”

The best thing is while you are still young and that you have a lot of time to…


This is the time when you have to try new stuff.

And by new stuff, I don’t mean getting drunk in a different location, I mean…


Really, do it. I think this is the time to do the things you’ve always dreamed about.

It could be:

  • To go on a trip alone and get to know other adventurers.
  • To approach your crush, even if it fails.
  • Or maybe do the speech in front of hundreds that will make you nervous, because…

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

Push your boundaries. You have to fail, it’s an inevitable part of life. The more you fail, the better your stories and experiences will be. You have no idea how much your life can change by doing something uncomfortable on a daily basis.

Take this for example:

If I didn’t read more about blogging and article writing (pushing boundaries), I wouldn’t have the courage and desire to write this article right now.

And by doing uncommon things every day you are going to have uncommon opportunities eventually.

Makes sense, right?

So as you know all of that I’ll tell you what to do next:

Stop waiting for a miracle. Go out there and make the miracle find you. Great stories can’t write themself, you have to create them and put them on paper on your own.

